Student Loan Bubbles

“We live in a society where we tell young people to get an education, and then we saddle them with tremendous debt.” – Elizabeth Warren

Student loan debt worldwide had surpassed $2 trillion USD. Some experts have compared the rising student loan debt to a potential financial bubble, similar to the housing market bubble that led to the 2008 financial crisis.

US Dominance

Student loan debt in the U.S. exceeds $1.6 trillion surpassing both credit card and auto loan debt, making it the second-largest consumer debt category.

Delinquency Rates

Standard federal student loan repayment terms are 10 years, but they can extend up to 25 years based on income-driven repayment plans.

Average Debt Per Borrower

Over 44 million Americans carry student loan debt. The average student loan debt per borrower in the USA is around $37,000.

Debt Levels

In the UK, student loan debt reached £121 billion by 2021.

Rising Costs

Tuition fees for UK universities can be as high as £9,250 per year for domestic students

Global Advocacy

Repayment for UK student loans typically begins when graduates earn above a certain income threshold.

China’s Loan Debt

In China, the outstanding balance of student loans exceeded 1 trillion yuan (approximately $154 billion) by 2021.

India’s Loan Landscape

India has a range of government-backed and private student loan providers. The total education loan portfolio in India crossed ₹2.7 lakh crore (approximately $36 billion) in 2020.

South Korea’s Debt Crisis

South Korea has experienced a student loan debt crisis, with the total debt surpassing 13% of the country’s GDP.

High Tuition Costs

In some African countries, particularly in North Africa and South Africa, tuition fees for higher education institutions can be relatively high compared to income levels.

South Africa’s NSFAS

South Africa has the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), which provides financial aid to eligible students. NSFAS disbursed around ZAR 34 billion (approximately $2.3 billion) in 2020.

Ghana’s Students Loan Trust Fund

Ghana has SLTF, which provides loans to students. As of 2021, the fund had disbursed over GHS 850 million (approximately $150 million) in loans.

“Student loan debt is crushing young people. It’s crushing their dreams. It’s a national emergency, and it’s time we treat it like one.” – Bernie Sanders

“Student loan debt is the epitome of modern financial stress. It doesn’t just hang over your head; it permeates every financial decision you make for years.” — Erin Lowry

Courtesy of CNN


Domestic Tuition: Annual fees for home students reach up to £9,250. International Tuition: International students might find themselves paying between £10,000 and £38,000 depending on their chosen field and the prestige of the institution



The tuition landscape varies across the continent, with countries like South Africa charging between $3,000 and $5,000 annually for public universities. These figures can balloon by another 15-30% when considering indirect costs like housing, books, and meals.



Japan and South Korea tertiary education costs can span between $10,000 and $20,000 per year, exclusive of additional expenses like accommodation and materials. Singapore and Malaysia annual expenses fall between $8,000 and $15,000 without supplementary costs


The Alarming Data: A Wake-Up Call

The Stark Reality of Student Loan Debts 

Africa’s mosaic of cultures and economies is unified by the growing concern of student debt. While precise data is hard to pinpoint due to variances across nations, regions like South Africa are nearing a whopping $5 billion in student loans. It’s a predicament echoed across nations, with students often shouldering an average debt of around $5,000.

United States: A Debt Tsunami

In the land of opportunities, student loan debt has surged to an astronomical $1.5 trillion. Shockingly, this debt is second only to mortgages, surpassing even credit card dues. A generation dreams of a college degree, only to be stifled under this massive burden.

Europe: The Old World’s New Problem

While Europe is home to an array of educational paradigms, student debt remains a consistent issue. The UK serves as a poignant testament: its graduates emerge not just with degrees but with a looming debt average of £40,000.

Asia: The Rising Dragon’s Chain

Asia’s march towards global supremacy is not without hurdles. In countries like South Korea, the shackles of student loans weigh down nearly 50% of those under 40, with an average debt just shy of $10,000.

The facts about student loan debts is a loud alert for immediate remedial action.

The way forward is proactive financial planning with Funds that empower families and individuals to build a financial buffer, lessening future dependencies on student loans.

Thousands of parents have already joined the MyDegreeFund community, taking proactive steps to secure their child’s educational future. By investing, you become part of a supportive network of parents who share a common goal – secure educational financing

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“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” — Aristotle

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Masters Degree

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"Higher education is the leading resource for humanity’s advancement." — Derek Bok

The Promise of Educational Funds: A Pathway to a Debt-Free Future

Are educational funds the magic wand that will dissolve these immense financial hurdles? While they may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, they hold significant promise.

How They Work

Unlike traditional funds that spread their wings across varied sectors and objectives, The Education Fund maintains a laser-sharp focus on one of the most significant challenges of our time – the skyrocketing costs of education.

We aim to provide a stable and profitable financial pathway for investors, whether they are parents aiming for their children’s futures or individuals preparing for their own educational pursuits. By 2040, we aim to significantly dent, if not eradicate, the reliance on student loans, thereby paving the way for a financially secure academic future for students worldwide.

Why Choose an Educational Fund?

  • Focused Objective: Unlike general investment funds, educational funds have a singular goal—financially securing your or your children’s education. We aim to foater a global ecosystem where the pursuit of knowledge isn’t hindered by financial constraints. We envision a horizon where the specter of student loans doesn’t overshadow educational aspirations. Our objective is to make this vision a tangible reality within the next two decades.
  • Risk Mitigation: Built-in mechanisms manage market risks and aim for consistent growth. Our seasoned financial experts employ a plethora of strategies, including asset allocation, diversification, and periodic rebalancing, to ensure your investment thrives. 
  • Long-Term Perspective: These funds are designed for the long haul, ideally aligning with the timeline of a child’s journey to higher education.

Are They Right for You?

If you’re looking for a financial instrument that offers a double advantage—reasonable growth and a safeguard against the looming shadow of educational debt—educational funds are worth serious consideration.


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